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a bald woman outside the New Orleans courts

I had the privilege to attend the second bellwether trial taking part in New Orleans, Louisiana. It wasn't possible to be there for the first week but much of the evidence heard then was repeated so I didn't feel as though I had missed anything of vital importance. In fact, after what I did hear, I was glad I hadn't been there, sat on that hard wooden bench with freezing A/C, listening to the shocking admissions of Sanofi employees. 


Several Sanofi employees, under oath, admitted that they had been prevented from informing doctors/oncologists about the risk of permanent alopecia or PCIA, as it's known. Just when you think you've heard it all before, you get that 'criminal' declaration straight from the horse's mouth. I felt sick. 

What a shame employees such as Amy Freedman who was the Global Safety Officer from 2002 - 2010 didn't have any moral compass. Would that have been enough to give us all fair warning so we could make our own decision to have Taxotere or not? We could have made our own risk assessment for sure. Shame on her.


The verdict? It's a terrible shame that the weary jury didn't vote using the overwhelming evidence presented, instead of listening to Hildy Sastre (from law firm  Shook, Hardy & Bacon) tell them all they had to do was tick the 'no' box on the question form and they could ignore the other questions and go home. 


The full blog can be found here







 #Taxotere #Sanofi #bellwether #MDL #litigation #pharmacovigilance  #globalsafetyofficer #shookhardybacon

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