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Karen on November 10, 2015 at 5:03 pm said:

It has been 3 years and 4 months since I lost my hair to Taxotere.
My life has totally changed. I have lost the vibrant personality I used to have.
I hide under hats and wigs. I have so little hair I shave it all off. I would rather look at a bald head in the mirror than the freakishly little hair that does grow.
Life can never be like it used to be.

Karen (Canada)



Debbie on November 18, 2015 at 1:01 pm said:

I can live with my Frankenstein boobs. I can deal with all the other body changes. What I still can’t accept is that at 41 I had the hairstyle of an elderly man. Nine years later, no change. Now I spend obscene amounts of money on wigs. They solve most of my problems but I’m so embarrassed when people learn the truth. My femininity has been altered and damaged. If I’d had a choice, I would have gone with Taxol. If I’d known my options. If I’d been aware of the risks. I should have had a choice. And in my opinion. Taxotere shouldn’t be available to ANYONE. Doctors should know. Patients should know. And someone should be buying me a new wig every year!



Sirnin on February 20, 2016 at 7:47 am said:

I had TCH, finished the 6 cycles of TCH in December 2014 and finished the 12 cycles of H (Herceptin) in October 2015. My hair is thinner but other than that seem to be normal, than sometime in December 2015, my hair start to fall out again (remember I have finish all chemo and no other drugs are taken). Most hair fall out in male pattern baldness, so my hair look much like Suzanne, except that it black (I’m Asian) and very dry like straw.



Kendra O'Bannon on May 30, 2017 at 4:57 pm said:

I remember to this day when my doctor told me my hair would grow right back thick and long like it was after my TAC chemo was over. Well that was in 2012, it is now 2017 and I’m still waiting.



Louise Reilly on July 28, 2017 at 1:46 pm said:

Oh my God, and I thought it was just me. 2 years post FEC- Taxotere and on Tamoxifen for the foreseeable future. I have an Oncologist who shrugs her shoulders and says “well, we always hope the hair will come back”. From having a long, thick head of hair I now have something resembling Candy Floss. The hair in my armpits has more substance. Nobody warns you of this. If I’m honest, if the Cancer comes back I will not be doing chemo again. Would rather take my chances with the disease.
Lou (UK)



Anna Williams on December 5, 2017 at 7:03 pm said:

It’s very disturbing that Sanofi Aventis was aware of this side effect and yet continued to shove it into the market. Class action lawsuits are taking place.



Molly on October 8, 2018 at 7:27 pm said:

How long after chemo ends will I know if I have permanent hair loss



Molly on October 8, 2018 at 7:28 pm said:

I am only one week out but very concerned about permanent hair loss




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