Ahead of Our Time
Living with Permanent Chemo-Induced Alopecia
Ahead of Our Time
Ilene Drohan on March 9, 2012 at 11:36 am said:
I am sooooooooooooooo angry that our government lies constantly to us and allows these drug companies to get away with this.. I had the most beautiful hair in the world. I was known as the girl with the hair. Now people whisper when I walk by. I am 4 years into my recovery and am so not accepting. I will never trust a doctor again after this. They should of told us and they didn't. And most of all I hate our government for allowing this drug to be given…With the billions of dollars given every year to Breast cancer. This is the best they can do???? They will never find a cure because this is a business!!!!!
Eloise Dielman on March 18, 2012 at 8:06 pm said:
Thanks for this blog. I, too, am currently bodily bald for the second time and experiencing the head only sweats of chemo. It’s good to find out what we share as we deal with ovarian cancer. At this point, I’ll do what it takes to buy more time with family and friends. So bald is beautiful, even if it’s the permanent state. I hate my wig–the sweats are much worse, so I alternate (and wash often) a selection of hats and caps, and occasionally just go briefly enjoy the sun on my bald head. I may lack hair, but I still have my teeth and my mind. Two out of three ain’t bad! Thank you again. You and people willing to share your experience all give the rest of us courage.
Janet on July 19, 2012 at 11:16 am said:
I can’t believe that medical professionals/drug companies know this, but that they don’t tell patients who are at their most vulnerable. It is morally reprehensible!
Dina Salvador on September 25, 2012 at 10:35 am said:
Thanks for the blog. I think it is great. I admire your courage to just wear your ball cap at the gym. I am the opposite. I wear my wig at the gym as I don’t have enough confidence to go bald or wear my ball cap. I hide in the washrooms when I need to change so that I can take off my wig. I am a marathon runner but don’t run with my wig on as it is too hot (just my ball cap) and I would be too afraid of it blowing off in the wind. I am constantly paranoid of someone from the gym recognizing me returning to the gym after my run with just my ball cap on and noticing that I actually have very little hair/no hair and not mid length black hair like my wig.
Denise Billings on September 6, 2013 at 8:02 pm said:
Thanks for your very encouraging blog. I’m not bald, but I have the male pattern thinning. I used to have thick hair that I was proud of. My mother and grandmother’s hair was thick. Now I have this thin stuff with my scalp shining through. A little Crypt Keeper-ish.
I didn’t wear wigs or scarves when I was bald. They just didn’t suit me. I have a fine collection of hats that I love. Hats that wouldn’t fit before when my hair was so thick. I have dreadlocks. I used to think it was great when some scalp showed. That meant that my locks were freshly twisted and beautifully groomed. Now there is waaaaaay too much scalp shining through. My locks are long but thin. I’m thinking of cutting them and wearing my hair loose and natural. Maybe that will camouflage the shine. I use Joan River’s scalp makeup now. It works so well I think my hair has grown in, until I shampoo and my scalp comes shining back through.
I used to tell everyone how much I love love love my cancer doc. Now I’m having more and more reservations. First after my lymphedema diagnosis, that he just tried to blow off. Because the swelling was minor the said, “Oh, well, if you were sitting across a cocktail table from me no one would notice.” Well, I notice and I want to do something about it. I was not told that removing the lymph nodes had this side effect.
I was told that my hair would grow back. No word on the male pattern baldness. If I didn’t stay on the internet looking for sites like this I would be out there on my own. The docs just want to be able to say you don’t have cancer anymore, after that they’re done. That’s not good enough.
Linda Wheatley on May 14, 2014 at 1:59 am said:
Thanks for the blog. My name is Linda, and I live in Melbourne (Victoria) Australia. I too have been left with permanent hair loss since having a right breast mastectomy, 3 rounds of FEC and 3 rounds of Taxotere chemotherapy in 2008/2009. If I had a dollar for every time a person told me not to give up on my hair being restored again, I would be a very wealthy woman. My team of doctors continue to have a blank look on their faces when I tell them each year that I don’t understand why my hair has not come back. I rarely go out without wearing a wig, because well-meaning people in the street stare and sometimes say things to encourage me, presuming I have either just had chemotherapy, or are currently undergoing chemotherapy. Imagine their surprise when I tell them I finished chemotherapy 5 years ago.
Ada on April 4, 2016 at 1:05 pm said:
My Story is very sad. I had stage one cancer, less than 2 cm, clean lymph nodes. My oncologist convinced me that I need chemo before surgery, 4 TC 21 days apart. I had very bad reaction after 3rd, so I refused to do forth. Nobody told me about permanent hair loss. Looking back I am convinced that i did not need chemo, that surgery and radiation would do the job. I am so devastated, many nights I feel like taking my life.