Ahead of Our Time
Living with Permanent Chemo-Induced Alopecia
Ahead of Our Time
Lise: Finding the Colour Again contd.
Finding the Colour Again, Watercolour by Lise McDermid.Inspired by the Marina McDonald photo “Take What you Want and Pay for it.”
Coming to terms with the long-term loss of my hair has been a very slow process.
It has been much harder to cope psychologically than with the cancer itself, my double mastectomy and radiation, the loss of my fertility from premature menopause, the continued side effects from anti-cancer drugs and the long wait for reconstruction to be completed.
The cow is a reminder of the constant online support I’ve had from other breast cancer survivors.
by Lise (Australia)
Follow her award-winning blog: www.shittytittiebangbang.com
#alopecia #depression #disfigurement #hairlosstreatment #sideeffects #cancersurvivors #mastectomy #anticancerdrugs